Thursday, March 3, 2011

Guilford Antiques Show

Welcome to the spring Guilford Antiques Show down by the coast in scenic Guildford, CT. Cy and I had a good time looking around and visiting with old friends. Everyone was in a good mood due to large crowds. I guess everyone was tired of the snow and wanted to get out the house and look at beautiful antiques. Here is Nancy Fischelson and friend Robert Perry (who is also set up) in Nancy's booth. Nancy loves the old linens.
Here is friend Lew Scranton writing up a sale. Look at all the classic antiques from CT.
Great early smalls in the booth of Axtell Antiques,

Karen Wenhiser in her booth with a great selection of silver Native American and Mexican jewelry, and look at all the hooked rugs.
Just the best early iron is always found in the booth of Marvin and Barbara Eliot from Windsor, CT. They are really the experts.
Here is a fun booth from Jeff Puklinski from County Seat Antiques,
Another nice booth from Zuna Antiques.
Hope you enjoyed this brief visit to a very pretty show in Southern Connecticut. Come and visit next year.